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Aston University Online

Aston University Online


Aston Online aspiruje do bycia wiodącym miejscem edukacji online w Wielkiej Brytanii, umożliwiając globalnej społeczności uczniów odniesienie sukcesu w pracy i życiu dzięki elastycznemu, skoncentrowanemu na studentach doświadczeniu edukacyjnemu.

Nasze portfolio programów w zakresie nauki, technologii i przedsiębiorczości zwiększy szanse na zatrudnienie i mobilność społeczną poprzez zajęcie się wysoce poszukiwanymi miejscami pracy i lukami w umiejętnościach na poziomie lokalnym, krajowym i globalnym.

Dzięki innowacyjnej pedagogice i najnowocześniejszej technologii Aston Online przygotuje absolwentów na całym świecie z umiejętnościami przywódczymi, zarządzania i przedsiębiorczości dla gospodarki cyfrowej.

Poznaj różnorodne programy dostosowane do potrzeb globalnych uczniów. Skorzystaj z elastycznej nauki online, wykładowców-ekspertów i edukacji zaprojektowanej tak, aby odzwierciedlała wymagania problemów "prawdziwego świata".

Znaleźliśmy się na krótkiej liście nominowanych do tytułu Business School of the Year w konkursie Times Higher Education Awards 2023.

Aston University jest uniwersytetem roku, który zajął drugie miejsce pod względem zatrudnienia absolwentów w The Times and Sunday Times University Guide 2024.

Aston Business School jest częścią elitarnej grupy globalnych szkół biznesu, które posiadają złoty standard "potrójnej korony" akredytacji AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), AMBA (Association of MBAs) i EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System).

Uniwersytet Aston otrzymał potrójne złoto za programy studiów licencjackich - najwyższą możliwą ocenę w ramach Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF).

Stopnie naukowe Aston Online

Dzięki studiom online na Aston University możesz studiować w dowolnym miejscu na świecie, we własnym tempie i otrzymywać dedykowane wsparcie przez cały czas. Zaprojektowane z myślą o elastyczności, są idealne dla tych, którzy chcą studiować w czasie pracy i zobowiązań życiowych.

Będziesz częścią tętniącej życiem społeczności edukacyjnej online, do której dołączą studenci z całego świata. Dzięki naszym platformom cyfrowym możesz uzyskać pomoc od doświadczonych nauczycieli, gdy jej potrzebujesz, uzyskać dostęp do materiałów edukacyjnych i otrzymać połączenie wykładów, wydarzeń na żywo i interakcji online z rówieśnikami i personelem.


**Equivalent overseas degree recognised by Aston University**

Entry requirements for undergraduate programmes are typically:

- BBB (standard offer)

- BBC (with EPQ or Core Maths minimum grade B)

- BBC (contextual offer)

Entry requirements for postgraduate programmes are typically:

- A UK 2:2 (lower second-class honours) degree or international equivalent

* English language skills are assessed during admissions. If we need evidence of your English language skills, we may ask you to take one of the recognised tests, such as IELTS.

How to Apply

Our commitment to easing the process of studying is reflected in our streamlined and expedited

application process.

Step 1: Speak to a Student Recruitment Advisor

Our knowledgeable team will help guide you through the application process and answer any questions you may have about study load, details of equivalent qualifications in your country, fees or how online study works. Call: +44 (0) 121 824 6374

Step 2:Provide your documents

We will advise you on the documents you must supply to process your application, such as prior qualification awards or your current resume. For ease, documents can be emailed directly to your dedicated advisor.

Step 3: Find out if you have a place

We will complete your application and make a decision based on the entry criteria. Applicants can

typically expect a decision within three working days.

Step 4: Accept your offer

Successful applicants will receive an official offer letter that provides pre-contract information.

This information enables applicants to make an informed decision about whether or not to accept an offer to study with us.

Step 5: Secure your place

To secure your place on the programme, you will need to pay a deposit, which will be deducted from the total tuition fee.

Stypendia i Finansowanie

We offer a range of scholarships to ensure that anyone qualified to come to Aston University can do so, regardless of their financial circumstances. We are committed to supporting the most talented and hardworking students to achieve their potential through schemes that help lower tuition and living costs. Scholarships awarded by Aston are discounted from your tuition fees.

Scholarships for UK students are listed below:

  • Aston Achievement / Vice Chancellor's Achievement Scholarship
  • Aston Forward Scholarships
  • Aston Support Scholarship
  • Aston Mature Adult Learners Scholarship
  • Aston Aspiration Scholarship
  • Aston Extra Scholarship
  • Aston Placement Scholarship
  • The Ernest Edward Scholarships for Asylum Seekers
  • Mercedes HPP Scholarships
  • MSc Motorsport Scholarship Programme
  • MSc Applied Artificial Intelligence Scholarship


Triple Gold:

Aston University has been awarded Triple Gold – the highest possible rating for the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023.

The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) is a national scheme run by the Office for Students (OfS). It assesses and rates universities and colleges for excellence above a set of minimum requirements for academic quality and standards. Aston University has achieved the best possible TEF rating – Gold overall and Gold for both underpinning aspects: Student Experience and Student Outcomes.

Runner Up for Graduate Employment:

Aston University is the University of the Year Runner Up for Graduate Employment in The Times and Sunday Times University Guide 2024. The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide now ranks Aston University at 38th nationally, an improvement of seven places compared to 2023. The university is ranked at 18 for graduate prospects and at 22 for continuation rate.

Top 25 UK University:

Aston University is ranked 25th in the UK in the Guardian University Guide, 2024.

Among the best in the world for business and management:

Aston University has risen to 66th place in the world (and into the top 10 in the UK) in the 2024 QS World Rankings by Subject for Business and Management Studies.

Outstanding earnings after graduation:

Graduates of Aston University are among the highest paid in the country five years after graduating, according to new data released by the Department for Education.

The 2022 Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data shows that employed Aston University graduates have the 16th largest median salary overall five years after graduation at £33,400.

Top 30% of Global Institutions:

Aston University is ranked 446th in the 2024 QS World University Ranking, placing the University in the top 30% of global institutions and 46th place nationally.

Key accolades over the past few years include:

University of the Year, 2020 (The Guardian)

Outstanding Entrepreneurial University, 2020 (Times Higher Education Awards)

Gold Athena SWAN award for impact towards gender equality


Akredytowane przez EFMD EquisAkredytowane przez AMBAAkredytowane przez AACSB

Dlaczego warto studiować w Aston University Online?

Aston Online oferuje różne korzyści, co czyni go atrakcyjnym wyborem dla potencjalnych studentów na całym świecie.

  • Flexibility and convenience - Fit your studies into your work/life balance.
  • Built for online - Interactive, engaging, and purpose-designed curriculum available 24/7.
  • Affordable - Spread the cost, pay in instalments, and earn as you learn.
  • Supported - Dedicated student support and online tutors.
  • Expert tutors - Staff with industry experience and experts in their fields.
  • Empowering creativity - Complimentary full access to Adobe Creative Cloud tools for developing dynamic multimedia content and presentations through video, graphics, and audio.
  • Transparent pricing - Apply for free, with no hidden costs.
  • Ready for work and life - Rigorous academic standards and curriculum focusing on the skills sought by employers (for now and the future).


  • Birmingham

    Aston St, B4 7ET, Birmingham
